A Wheaton North Community
Please join on Zoom or call in at (301) 715-8592 ID: 980 4378 3141 Passcode 004612
Meeting ID: 886 1077 6272
Call in: +1 (301) 715-8592
Questions? Glenmontforestnca@gmail.com
If you missed the New Community Gardens meeting on February 15, 2023 you can watch the Zoom recording.
We are excited that so many neighbors joined us for the Community Gardens Kickoff Meeting. You too still have a chance to join in the fun, grow your own food and join neighbors in helping others in the community. There will be another meeting soon to continue the progress toward planting this Spring.
We want your opinion on how best to utilize the garden space.
Please fill out the community gardens survey in either English or Spanish.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, February 15th at 7:00 pm
What: New Community Garden kickoff virtual meeting
Where: Zoom, with simultaneous Spanish/English translation
We are excited to announce the Community Gardens project kickoff at the Glenmont Forest Neighborhood Park, next to Fire Station #18 on Georgia Ave & Randolph Road. We will begin planting this Spring!
Our first virtual meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15th at 7:00 pm to introduce the next steps and begin this community-centered initiative.
If you're interested in the themes listed below then this meeting is for you!
· Learn how to grow your own food
· Learn what to grow in this area
· Learn how to compost
· Be a part of or lead a community stewardship group
· Want to find a space to be centered with nature
Representatives from GFNCA, Impact Silver Spring, Montgomery County's Department of Environmental Protection, and others will participate.
We welcome everyone and will provide Spanish Interpretation if needed.
Please, use the link below to connect the day of: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82026183881?pwd=alkyYlJsMG1YcGRvaEJ3YlJDVHFCUT09
Meeting ID: 820 2618 3881
Passcode: 740872
Mobile: +13017158592,,82026183881# US (Washington DC)
Guarde la fecha: Miércoles, Febrero 15 a las 7:00 pm
Tema: Reunión virtual sobre nuevos jardines comunitarios
Donde: Por medio de Zoom, se tendrá interpretacion del Ingles al Español
Nos complace anunciar el inicio del proyecto de Jardines Comunitarios en el parque de Glenmont Forest junto a la estación de bomberos #18 en Georgia Ave y Randolph Road. ¡Comenzaremos a plantar esta primavera!
Tendremos una reunión virtual el Miércoles 15 de febrero a las 7:00 pm para presentar los próximos pasos y comenzar esta iniciativa centrada en la comunidad.
Si está interesado en los temas enumerados a continuación, ¡esta reunión es para usted!
· Aprender a cultivar su propia comida
· Aprender a qué cultivar en esta área
· Aprender a hacer abono
· Ser parte o liderar un grupo comunitario
· Quiere encontrar un espacio para estar conectado con la naturaleza
Participarán representantes de GFNCA, Impact Silver Spring, el Departamento de Protección Ambiental del Condado de Montgomery y otros.
Damos la bienvenida a todos y proporcionaremos interpretación en Español.
Por favor, utilice el siguiente enlace para conectarse el día de la reunión:
Meeting ID: 820 2618 3881
Passcode: 740872
Mobile: +13017158592,,82026183881# US (Washington DC)
Take a self guided tour of Glenmont Forest's new rain gardens!
Congratulations Sandra Perez-Ramos and Stuart Diekmeyer! The community selected the Gathering Tree artist team of Sandra Perez-Ramos and Stuart Diekmeyer as the finalist for the Park Public Art project.
GFNCA will be submitting this project to the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) for a grant to bring this beautiful and welcoming artwork to our park. Stay tuned in the Fall to learn if we have been awarded the grant.
We are still working on an entrance from Grandview, the Community Gardens and other enhancements.
THANK YOU to all who participated and let us know what other ideas you have for this park!
You can view the Zoom meeting online and download links from the presentation below. Thanks to the following presenters who spoke!
GFNCA November 2020 Links Shared During Meeting (pdf)
DownloadThe Glenmont Forest Neighbors Civic Association (GFNCA) and the Greater Silver Spring Civitans club (GSSC) have teamed up to create and maintain two “Little Free Libraries” to benefit the community. See the press release issues by Montgomery County.
Join the Glenmont Forest Clean-Up Brigade! We're asking brigadiers to commit just to picking up one bag of trash per month, on one of four dates of your choosing. Monthly reminders will be sent out. Email glenmontforestnca@gmail.com with questions. Sign up here.
A new USPS mailbox has been installed at the NE corner of Livingston and Newton. Many thanks to the neighbor who proposed this addition! This mailbox has a new, secure design that prevents thieves from removing items from the box. As a consequence of this security feature, only letters, not packages, can be deposited in this mailbox, which is oriented so that pedestrians can easily deposit mail.
Pickup time is 3:00 PM Monday - Saturday.
For more information on the replacement of gas lines in our neighborhood, view a presentation from Washington Gas.
Weisman Community Meeting (pdf)
DownloadGreen Streets Walk
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